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Business Planning
As a business owner, we can help you protect your family and business in case of the premature death, disability or retirement of you, a partner or a key employee. It's natural for you to have questions. Let us help you answer them.

Benefits of a Buy-Sell Agreement
A great tool for small and family-owned businesses.Learn more

How Can a Cross-Purchase Buy-Sell Agreement be Funded With Life Insurance?
See an example of how two business owners establish a cross-purchase buy-sell agreement funded with life insurance.Learn more

Reward Your Employees and Benefit Your Business
One way to attract, reward and retain top employees is through the use of an executive bonus plan.Learn more

What is Your Business Worth?
The first step in planning for the continuation of your business is determining the value of your business: what your business is worth today and what it will be worth in the future. Your business continuation plan should reflect this potential growth and the effects inflation could have on its future value.Learn more