Molly's story
Before 2020, Molly Becker didn’t give much thought to life insurance.
Modern Woodmen has always been a fixture in her life. The member from South Dakota has fond memories of attending chapter activities with her parents and brothers. But life insurance? Well, that was mainly just something her dad talked about and purchased for her as a kid.
However, a global pandemic and 80 days in the neonatal intensive care unit with premature twins tends to change a person’s perspective.
“We went through a crazy year,” Molly says. “It makes you think about things differently. It makes you want to make sure you’re doing everything you can to protect your family.”
Surprises good and bad
Molly discovered she was pregnant with twins in early 2020. A twin herself, Molly and her husband, Phil, weren’t too surprised by the news. The bigger surprise came in May when they found out the babies were starting twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome.
“Basically, Twin A was taking too many nutrients away from Twin B,” Molly explains. “So one baby’s heart was working too fast, and the other’s too slow.”
Molly saw a specialist and went through a procedure to help solve the issue. While the procedure itself was successful, a complication came soon after. She was only 24 weeks along when she was put on hospital bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy.
We went through a crazy year. It makes you think about things differently.
Everett and Brooks were born nearly 11 weeks before their due date. The boys went straight to the NICU, weighing in at 2 pounds, 7 ounces and 3 pounds, 4 ounces respectively. Molly and Phil were plunged into scary, unfamiliar territory, filled with doctors and nurses, breathing apparatuses, tough choices, and tough time spent away from their 1-year-old son, Trace.
Strong foundation
The twins grew stronger during their 80-day NICU stay and came home doing well. Despite their progress, feelings of guilt plagued Molly during their first year.
“At one point, I felt I had failed them. I felt it was somehow my fault they were born that early,” she says. “So anything I can do to help them now, I’m going to do.”
That includes looking out for their financial future – setting a foundation they can build on throughout life.
Anything I can do to help them now, I’m going to do.
Modern Woodmen representative Michelle Sheesley heard about the twins’ condition through Molly’s dad, a fellow member. She knew the boys would likely not qualify for life insurance due to their health, so she encouraged Molly to apply for Modern Woodmen’s Newborn Life Insurance Benefit.
This fraternal program helps ensure members can obtain permanent coverage for their newborns … regardless of their current health. It also ensures they can obtain additional coverage later … regardless of their future health.
When Molly’s father purchased Modern Woodmen life insurance for her years ago, he probably didn’t realize he was also ensuring coverage for his premature grandsons. Plus more. Everett and Brooks will have financial protection as well as access to a host of member programs for years to come.
Crossing T’s
As a teacher, Molly is used to going through checklists to make sure she’s prepared for anything. She now views life insurance as an important item on her family’s checklist.
“I’ll admit, I didn’t always feel that way,” she says. “But you have to make sure all your T’s are crossed and I’s are dotted. You’ve got to be prepared. Life can change in a glimpse.”
The Becker family's representative

Additional products and services
Talk to a representative to see what's best for you.

Whole life insurance
Whole life insurance helps protect your loved ones, providing tax-free money when you die, not just if you die during a specified time period. You can get peace of mind, knowing that your family is protected, and you can take advantage of cash value and other living benefits to help you plan ahead – no matter what life brings.

Newborn Life Insurance Benefit
This benefit ensures member parents can obtain permanent life insurance coverage for their newborn’s future … regardless of current health. In case of tragedy, the benefit helps with medical or funeral costs.